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Lesson 1- Kindergarten

Project Description

  • For our first lesson, we will be teaching Kindergarteners and following their class theme of "art tells stories." we will be creating self portraits using paper plates and found materials in order to represent themselves.

Essential Understandings

  • The essential understanding of this lesson is that students will be able to demonstrate the relationship between self portraits and storytelling through the use of different materials.


Identify how artists and designers make connections through personal stories between self, family and friends.

  • Observe and Learn to Comprehend, GLE 1: Identify how artists use visual art and design to communicate, SHoM: Stretch & Explore, Art Learning: Artists use layers of experiences to develop personal insight that can be shared.

Investigate the properties of materials (found objects) to support the planning and making of works of art to communicate.

  • Invent and Discover to Create, GLE 3: Invent and Discover to Create, SHoM: Engage and Persist, Art Learning: Art shares stories

Art methods

  • collage

Art Vocabulary

  • collage, portrait, self portrait, representation



  • Here are some examples from this class, the students were very excited about this project and were able to choose things (Colors and objects) that were able to represent themselves. The pink plate with blue feathers on the side was from a student who's favorite color was pink and she utilized the feathers to show her pigtails that she had on her hair. Most of the students used their favorite colors for multiple things on their self portrait, they also utilized objects they thought were interesting like the gemstones, puff balls and macaroni noodles!

The students were very engaged in this project even though they were, at points, too excited. This was a great learning experience for the future after learning more tips and trick from Ms. Burnham and knowing how to organize the class in a more elaborated way!

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